Thursday, April 17, 2008

Send Only

If I go straight from work to the house I find that I have been handed the baby before I have even had the chance to remove my coat. I took my seat for dinner on Wednesday after the baby was asleep, for instance, without realising I was still wearing my coat and hat. Maude giggled until pudding.

‘Me time’ then is very hard to come by and, when it occurs, I savour it. I sat in a layby yesterday doing a crossword. Passers-by must have wondered why I smiled so broadly from such a simple pastime – not knowing that it was the joy of being off- radar that gave me such a rush. I then set to work on a task I had been meaning to get around to for some time – my text message templates. I tire of texting the same things over and over again – so templates seem the way to go.

I began with a few templates for Original Susan:

‘Probably working from home today, trouble with the old boiler – plumber called.’

‘Running late – childcare issues. Hope you don’t mind holding the fort.’

I then began work on the template messages for Maude.

The practical:

‘Traffic v.heavy. Feel free to hand over baby in hall on my arrival.’

The contrite:

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I’m so very sorry – forgive me.’

‘I am more sorry than I have ever been – please let me back into the house before the frost sets in.’